Let Loose!

About three years ago, a wise woman said, "Consistent Time and Effort Produce Results". She was strong and healthy, pushing herself on the last mile of a six mile run. She realized that anything she set her mind to do, if done consistently - could be accomplished. It was about determination and will, endurance and confidence. It became her mantra and she posted it proudly on her office wall, knowing that it was a truth to live by not just physically, but with her work, studies, prayers, even sleep - everything would be in harmony by never giving up.

Now fast forward. Having just returned from the gym, I sit at my desk staring at that poster. Yes, that "wise" woman was me. It's evening now and while on the treadmill (conveniently located in front of the window), I could see my reflection. Within the last three years I've gotten divorced, been estranged from my children, and gained thirty pounds. "What the hell happened to you?" I scolded the reflection. She answered, "You let go, stupid! You didn't live up to your own standards."

But then I realized that the same rule applies both in the negative and in the positive. Consistent time and effort spent on negative things produce negative outcomes. Now it's time to turn that back around. My personal trainer (also known as my daughter's boyfriend) predicted it will take ten months to get in the shape I want to be in. Ten!!! Holy cow, I thought. That's almost a year!!!Yup, ten months of consistent time and effort.

Another saying that I've become fond of has to do with letting go of the things you can't control and holding onto the things you can.

When I was young, my Dad taught me how to throw a baseball. He'd say "as soon as you let loose, it's over. So the aim has to happen before you let loose and if you take your time and do that part right, the ball will go where you want."

So, theoretically, if I work hard right now and stay disciplined, learn how to eat right and form good habits, eventually I'll be able to let go and I will automatically gravitate to the healthier choices. I know that is true in any part of life.

For instance, I read the Bible every single day beginning on January 1, 1988 to December 31, 2001. It was one of those One Year Bibles, 360 days of reading and when you read every day, at the end of the year, you have read all the way through the Bible. When the first day of the year rolled around, I just started over again. I had to replace the Bible three times because they literally fell apart from carrying them around. But it was a discipline and I was determined to read consistently. At first I had to make time, but eventually I couldn't wait to sit down at my Lord's feet and hear what He had for me. Sadly though, somewhere along the way, I got out of the habit. I started my own business and it was too much juggling. Something had to give. And what gave was the most important thing.


  1. We must bear each others burdens.
    Burdens are not bad things. They can, in fact, be diciplines that we must remain accountable to.

    The study of our Lord's Word, sitting at His feet, is a discipline that we, as followers of Christ, must maintain. Therefore, the bearing of this burden, the participation in this holy discipline, can take place with someone that shares your love of our Holy Father.

    In studying the Love Letter from our Creator with someone, it allows us each to bear each other's burden/to maintain this discipline. To remain accountable in spending time with our Lord and to maintain and build strong relationships based on truth and tranparency.

    What a great way to fall in love with Jesus each day. For where two or more are gathered.....



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