
Showing posts from July, 2023

Never Forget

Have you ever been so grateful for someone that you can't find enough words in our language to express it? I've often thought with tears about the things I would say to my mother now. Things I never made the effort to say. The more I reminisce, the more I'm reminded of her goodness - and the more I regret not telling her so. Nehemiah had been Cupbearer to the Persian King Artaxerxes, and now had been Governor of Judah for twelve years. Overwhelmed with gratitude to God for bringing His people back from captivity, he poured his heart out in prayer.  God allowed them to rebuild their beloved city of Jerusalem, which had been utterly destroyed by the Babylonians seventy years prior. In an amazing 52 days, they had completely rebuilt the city wall. Nehemiah gathered all of the people and for three hours they read about the sins of their fathers and for three more hours, confessed that they had partaken of similar deeds "crying with a loud voice to the Lord their God"

Stressing the Vine

Visiting my friend's home is always a refreshing treat. Especially when it comes to her backyard. The best description is an oasis of gorgeous flowers enjoying their specially selected locations under the mature trees throughout the entire perimeter. She and her husband have put in countless hours of back-breaking cultivation, and it shows. They have been rewarded with tranquility encountered by simply stepping out their back door. The furthest right hand corner of the property displays an amazing vegetable garden with more varieties of lettuce imaginable. Working the ground has become a therapeutic fix for my dear friend and they regularly reap its harvest. A couple of weeks ago, we sat side by side, enjoying the birds and musing over their beautiful songs. As we talked, she pointed at the grapevine and said sadly, "No grapes this year. Nothing! And I've done everything possible, catering to their every need - from just the right amounts of water, sunlight and food. It

Without a Doubt

Most of us are probably familiar with the infamous story of God's miraculous intervention of freeing Israel from the tyranny of Egypt. Moses appeared before the Pharaoh of Egypt on multiple occasions, demanding each time that he let the Jewish slaves go. We know about Pharaoh's stubborn refusals followed by God's judgements. Fast forward to the mass exodus through the Red Sea. God's promise wasn't just to free the slaves from their bondage, but to lead them into the "Land of Milk and Honey", an area that God had intended to give to them where they could dwell forever under His protection and provision. A select few (twelve, to be exact - one representative from each tribe) went in to scout out the land and bring back a report. Ten of them returned shaking in their sandals saying, "no way can we take over that land - the inhabitants are giants and we are like grasshoppers in their eyes!" But the other two, Joshua and Caleb, trusted in God's pr

And Then She Danced

Miriam took the role of big sister seriously, knowing that her little brother's life was in grave danger. It was only a matter of time that he would be killed by Pharaoh's edict demanding that every son born to the Hebrews must be drowned in the Nile.  Her mother Jochebed pleaded with God to protect her son after she could no longer hide him. Relying on her unwavering trust in Him, she cried out, "El Roi, You are the God who sees. Watch over him, I pray. Let no harm come to this precious child." Tears streamed down Miriam's cheeks as her mother placed the three month old infant into a papyrus basket and sent it drifting down the river. Her older brother Aaron quietly put his arm around her and pulled her close.  "Follow it, Miriam," her mother urged. The basket-cradle rocked gently until it arrived before the daughter of Pharaoh. Peering through the reeds, Miriam was filled with relief to see the beautiful young woman pull the tiny Hebrew baby out of the

Send To Home

 A few months ago, I offered to help out my daughter in law, who was quite busy with my newborn grandson and two year old granddaughter. She smiled with appreciation, grabbed a remote control and said, "Okay, I'll send Dobby home". I stood there perplexed, wondering who is "Dobby" - and why is she sending him home? After explaining that was what they called their robot vacuum (cleverly adopted from the "house elf" of Harry Potter), I realized how out of touch I had become with technology. Turns out, there is a handy "home" button on the remote control. I watched in amazement as that busy little thing zoomed obediently back to it's charging station. The Bible tells us that this world is not our home. We are just sojourners, serving as God's Ambassadors in order to represent Him to a dying world which is in desperate need of His love. As the old hymn says, "this world is not my home, I'm a just a-pass'n through, my treasure