Sense of Direction
I recently heard an interesting statistic about people who use GPS systems in their automobile. A survey revealed that on average, most people prefer a male voice rather than that of a female. The general consensus was that the male voice was more authoritative and people tended to trust it more.
Ironically, a friend of mine told me about a time when she was driving to an unfamiliar destination when her elderly mother began arguing with her GPS (affectionately named “Bruce”). “Mom got so irritated with him, saying ‘I don’t know why he told you to turn there, he’s just wrong!’” my friend laughed. She went on to tell me how she couldn’t even hear what Bruce was saying because her mother was arguing with him so loudly. Finally, she said, “okay, Mom, you win. I will turn Bruce off and go wherever you think is right.” Of course, they ended up completely lost.
The Holy Spirit (also known as the conscience) is our built-in GPS. Question is - do we trust Him enough to follow His direction or do we just “turn Him off”, preferring our own way? I can tell you that every time I’ve done that, without fail, I’ve ended up on the wrong path leading to nowhere. His voice will never rise up and override ours. We can willingly “quench” the Spirit (1 Thessanonians 5:19).
Even though I’ve learned that lesson the hard way, I find myself questioning His guidance. Therefore, my prayer has become that I hear Him clearly and stop arguing as if I know what’s better for me. Do I really trust His guidance? If I truly believe that God loves me and has a plan for me with my best interest at heart, why do I doubt Him for a minute?
Oh, that I would hear and follow my Master without ever looking back!
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11
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