God's Symphony

I recently attended my first symphony when my husband surprised me with tickets for my birthday.  The orchestra was warming up when we sat down, only 5 rows from the stage.

What struck me was the utter chaos of noise. Not music - noise. All instruments doing their own thing (I'm sure each one with his/her own purpose in mind). There was no order, only loud confusion and painful screeching.

Then came the dignified conductor. It became silent as all eyes and attention were fixed on him. I could feel the anticipation as he raised his arms, like bridled horses anxiously waiting for the trumpet blast.

As he motioned softly for the musicians to begin, they came in together, as one - according to his direction. Then he gave permission for another section to join in, then another. It was so masterful and he was in such control. Nothing was done apart from his direction and as long as they followed him, all was beautiful and harmonious. The talent and skill of each member was displayed perfectly, yet together they were more glorious by far. The music created strong emotions within me as I closed my eyes and took it in.

Not only was it a picture of creation falling together perfectly by the power of God's word as He spoke it into existence, but also of the world we live in daily. We try to do our own thing, ignoring the noise, focused only on our own purposes, with no consideration of the chaos we are a part of. But when we turn our eyes toward the Conductor - the One Who writes and orchestrates it all - the One Who hears the Opus before it's played and knows exactly how He intended it from the beginning, before the orchestra was even selected - then we become in tune with His will and produce harmony. It requires trusting Him and believing that we have an important part to play in His great symphony.

"Four thousand are to be gatekeepers and four thousand are to praise the LORD with the musical instruments I have provided for that purpose." - 1 Chronicles 25:6-8


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