Deep Roots

When my husband informed me that he cut down our large cottonwood tree, to say I was upset would be a major understatement. It was, after all, the most mature tree in the newly developed area. It provided shade over our entire front yard every summer and was home to a variety of birds.

When he explained that the roots were breaking our sprinkler system, I thought, "then we replace the sprinkler system!" Determined to defend his actions, He proceeded to explain that they would also crack our foundation eventually. "eventually?", I thought, "who knows if we'll even live here that long?"

It was too late. Arguing for the life of that poor tree was pointless. The deed was already done. Sensing my anger, he gave it a few days and then we talked about it again. He explained how tree roots, (cottonwoods especially), seek water underground. They are known to wrap around underground pipes because of the moisture until they burst. He pointed out how they thrive along rivers because of the abundance of water.

Jesus told the Samaritan woman at the well that He is "Living Water" and if she drank of this water, she would never thirst again. What if we were as determined as those trees to seek such Water? What if we wrapped our thoughts around His words and held tight to them?

I thought about some of the small trees we've lost because of the wind or weight of heavy Colorado spring snows. The largest trees I've ever seen were in the windiest areas. Growing up while resisting wind either broke them or made them stronger.

We may not welcome resistance, but it will make us stronger if we persevere. This world's "wind", or trials, comes at us in all kinds of forms throughout our lives. But Jesus calmed the storm with His words on the sea of Galilee as His disciples feared for their very lives. 

May our roots grow deep and our hearts strong as we trust Him alone, our source of Living Water.

"Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."
- Jeremiah 18:8


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