Full Plate

After going through the ala cart smorgasbord in the café, I arrived at the cash register with my heaping plate of food where it was placed on a scale. Not only were my eyes bigger than my stomach, but bigger than my pocketbook. The cashier held out her hand, smiling patiently. Embarrassed, I began dumping out the lint, paperclips, and wrappers from my pockets for the world to see, as the line grew and I heard an audible sigh directly behind me.
Finally, back at my desk to begin my “working lunch”, I went into my ever familiar overwhelmed mode when my auto reminder popped up with the meeting in 10 minutes. I instantly felt another hot flash coming on. Not wanting to walk into the meeting dripping with sweat, I scrambled to find my little battery operated hand held fan. “I’ve got too much on my plate!” I thought.

During the meeting, the color coded action item list was handed out and the woman next to me leaned over said, “who signed you up for all of this?” I rolled my eyes and whispered, “I did”.

Therefore, I concluded, there is no one but myself to blame. Just as I overload my plate at lunch, I overload my schedule, making it nearly impossible to keep up. My counselor had pointed out my tendency to deliberately set myself up for failure (basically sabotaging myself) in an effort to crowd out the painful issues that would eventually become unavoidable.

As they say, the first step is to recognize the problem. Good news is - there is One Who stands in the gap, waiting for me to empty my backpack loaded with guilt, hurt, fear, and anger before continuing the journey.

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and heavy ladened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:30


  1. The Lord also gives us each other. We were each created for relationship. Not just relationship with the Father, but with each other.

    Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. -- Galatians 6:2.

    To attempt to bear our own burdens is selfish and self-centered.

    If, indeed, Christ is in us and we in Christ, why then would we hesitate to call upon those who willingly love us with complete abandon, love us unconditionally, to help us to bear our burdens. No matter how great or small.

    Instead we stand in our stubborness, even expelling those we love and who love us, from our lives. In favor of guarding our independence.



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