
If you’ve ever been to Disney’s California Adventure or Epcot in Orlando, you may be familiar with a virtual hang gliding attraction called “Soarin’”.  If you haven’t, let me tell you it is completely captivating. Surrounded by legendary sights in 3D, it literally engages all senses. While flying over the Golden Gate Bridge, Redwood Forest, Sierras, acres of orange groves and then sharing air space with fighter jets, one is placed in the center of  sounds, smells, and vivid photographic images. The illusion is so stunning it’s difficult to describe.

In addition to the sensation of being airborne, what I found so exhilarating was the feeling of freedom. Which begs the question: what exactly is “freedom”? Is it a feeling or state of mind? Or is it a feeling resulting from a state of mind? Can we feel free when in actuality we are not? If the opposite of freedom is bondage, then whatever holds us in bondage prevents us from being free. What about individuals who deny the existence of their chains, creating for themselves only the illusion of freedom? They only think they’re free. And is it possible to ever truly be free or are we all slaves to something or someone whether we acknowledge it or not?
To some, having no debt is freedom. But there’s still a need for restraint in order to maintain that financial stability. We can believe that to be beyond the walls of our environment represents freedom (the grass is greener on the other side of the fence) when in actuality that mysterious place would bring danger and we’re unknowingly being protected.
The Apostle Paul introduced himself in his letters as a “bond-servant to Christ”. When we enter into a relationship with God, we suddenly have the freedom to be His servant! Prior to that, we were slaves to our sin. Though we may deny the fact, our sin dictates how we live until we accept the payment for that sin and experience the transforming power of Jesus’ propitiation on our behalf. Since sin brings death, and all have sinned (Romans 6:23), we are all enslaved to it until that time we receive that costly gift for a price we could never pay. Only pride can keep us from humbly admitting our bondage and accepting such a gracious offer, thus receiving and experiencing true freedom!
"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery" Galatians 5:1


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