Marked For Protection
On a Recent 60 Minutes Special entitled "The Race to Save the Tortoise", reporters searched for the world's most endangered tortoise, the Ploughshare. After a gruelingly long hike on the deserted beach of Madagascar , they finally came upon one peacefully basking in the scorching sun. Asian countries love gold, and this is a gold tortoise with a high price on it's head. It is poached and sold for upwards of $60,000.00 on the black market. I n a desperate effort to save the rare beauty's life , one man gently lifted it from it's comfortable position and began feverishly carving into it's beautiful shell, scarring it forever . T he poachers would now pass over it because it was completely devalued. The story reminded me of the very first murder ever committed. Fueled with jealousy, Cain coaxed his brother Abel into a field where he brutally murdered him. According to the Biblical record, God punished Cain by casting him from His presence, sente...