A Grave Problem

Have you noticed the amount of resources that are spent in advertising products to "fix" us? Fix my appearance, I look old. Fix my health, I feel old. Show me the Fountain of Youth, I am old. Before-and-after photos give us hope. In desperation, we buy into dietary scams only to be disappointed with the number on the scale and the reflection in the mirror. Fix my finances, where should I invest? Where is the nearest casino? Maybe I'll get lucky! And what about failed relationships? Is love really blind? We lose ourselves in the constant barrage of hype, hoping to improve ourselves in any way possible. Self-help schemes are never ending. Books and motivational speakers are only a click away. People spend millions each year for lifts, nips, tucks, fillers, plumper and more. Let's face it. As these bodies gradually wear out, what we are really seeking after is to feel not just youthful, but alive! But the Bible tells us the real problem. And it is grave, indeed. Our Crea...