Lessons Learned

Over the past thirty one years, I’ve worked for four successful high tech corporations. One thing they all have in common is a review process called “Lessons Learned” whereby the team who worked on a given project gathers data and meets to discuss what went well and what failed. This is a proven preventative measure to eliminate making the same mistakes again as well as to implement whatever contributed to the success of that product in future endeavors. I was convicted today during my reading of the Scriptures that I lack such a preventive measure in my personal life. Of course, I was eating lunch at the time and as usual, the Lord used that opportunity knowing it would sink in if He applied it to food (those who can’t relate, please bear with me). I have read through countless diets. I have even committed to follow several of them with the best intentions. Yet I am angry when my clothes don’t fit (as some unfortunate individuals who have fallen victim to my ranting in the ...